Meaning of the Word ARARITA

The word ARARITA (אראריתא) is notariqon for the Hebrew phrase used in various magical ceremonies: "Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad", which means "One is Thy Beginning; One is Thy Individuality; Thy Permutation is One."

An Oasis symbolizes refuge and refreshment. A place to intermingle and be in peace.

Our mission is to affect change in culture through the philosophy of Thelema. “Every man and every woman is a star. We are all born free, independent, shining gloriously, each with a divine Will of their own, according to the Law of Liberty.”

We do this through promulgation of the Law of Thelema (Do what thou wilt) and the power of community.

We host regular classes on Thelema, Tarot, magick, meditation, yoga, spirituality, and public ceremonies such as the Gnostic Mass. We regularly celebrate the solstices and equinoxes, perform baptisms, initiations, and social events.

Religion must represent Truth, and celebrate it. This truth is of two orders: one, concerning Nature external to Man; two, concerning Nature internal to Man.

The Law of Thelema offers a religion which fulfils all necessary conditions.
— Aleister Crowley, The Equinox

If you are looking for a community of open minded, spiritually-oriented individuals in San Diego, we may be what you are looking for.
Email Frater Logos at or Soror Aurora at to join our email list or if you are interested in learning more.

What We've Achieved

  • Baptized 12 members

  • Confirmed 8 members

  • Initiated 20 members

  • Prevented the unlawful deportation of one of our members

  • Built our Gnostic Mass temple by hand

  • Built initiation equipment by hand

  • Performed over 55 Gnostic Masses

  • Hosted countless classes on magick & Thelema