
About Our Organization & Philosophy
OTO US Grand Lodge (USGL) (Resource for national policies and general practice of the OTO in the USA)
The Invisible Basilica of Sabazius (Important resource for modern explanations about the OTO and Thelema)
Theology of Thelema from USGL (Notes on Thelemic theology based primarily on the writings of Aleister Crowley from USGL website).
About the OTO (USGL’s OTO “About” section)

Sister Lodges:
Star Sapphire Lodge (OTO lodge in Los Angeles County, CA)
Golden Lotus Lodge (OTO lodge in Orange County, CA)

The Book of the Law (Central text of Thelema and the OTO)
The Equinox (Wikipedia Entry - Listing and links to many of the most important writings of Aleister Crowley)