Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a member?

To become a member, simply email us about attending one of our many public events. It would be nice to introduce yourself at one of our events so we know who you are. There, you can start to socialize with our group regularly and see if we are a good fit for you and vice versa. Once you find two sponsors of the 1st degree or above, you can apply for either initiation or baptism (or both) and become dues current ($20/month). This would make you a member of ARARITA and by extension, The O.T.O. (if you’re initiated) and the E.G.C. (if you’re baptized).

What should I wear to the Gnostic Mass?

Casual attire is fine for the Gnostic Mass! Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.

How do I apply for Initiation?

Attend some of our public events to meet potential sponsors. Each Initiation requires two sponsors. Sponsors can be officers of the Oasis or members of the first degree or above. It is best to get to know local membership and form connections before moving forward to Initiation.

What does membership in O.T.O. involve?

ARARITA Oasis is the San Diego branch of the mother organization Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.).Membership in O.T.O. is as simple as attending events and being dues current. How involved you choose to be with O.T.O. is up to you!

The United States Grand Lodge has a very informative website that describes the structure of O.T.O. and how membership works:

What is the difference between Baptism/ Confirmation and Initiation?

Both baptism and Confirmation are ecclesiastical rites that welcome the member into E.G.C., the ecclesiastical (church) branch of O.T.O.. E.G.C. (Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica) is the formal church of the O.T.O. which puts on celebrations of the Gnostic Mass, its central ritual.

Baptism is a short ceremony that welcomes the member into the church.

Confirmation is a ceremony that confirms the baptized individual’s Will to be part of the church. In the Confirmation ceremony, the baptized member expresses their belief in our tenets through the recitation of The Creed of E.G.C.. The Confirmed member acquires a white robe to wear for this ceremony.

Is there anything I need to know before my Initiation?

O.T.O. is not a testing order and therefore we do not require a certain level of knowledge before one takes an initiation. The Initiations are learning experiences in and of themselves and study guides are given after each degree. However, it is usually recommended that one familiarize themselves with both The Book of the Law and the general structure of O.T.O. in preparation for their Initiation.

Crowley wrote “The Man of Earth Degrees are to be open to all men and women who meet the qualifications of being free, of full age, and of good report.” Therefore, anyone who is 18 or above, not incarcerated, and not on bad report with the O.T.O. should be welcomed for Initiation.

Members who has previous felony convictions are required to fill out a felony report form and must receive two letters of recommendation for initiation. Criminal history, bad behavior, and violation of O.T.O. policies are all reasons someone may be prevented from Initiating.

Lastly, Initiation is not the same as hazing. Your safety is our priority. Initiations are sacred ceremonies designed to provide the candidate with a deep, internal spiritual experience.

Where are your events located?

We host a variety of events that are conveniently located in public places, such as Lestat’s in the Hillcrest neighborhood. Additionally, we offer events at our current humble temple at a professional business center suite situated in Mission Valley West, here in San Diego, CA. Furthermore, some of our gatherings take place at private residences for a more intimate atmosphere.
Each event will clearly state whether it is public or private in its description, and we will do our best to ensure that attendees have all the necessary information.

What do events involve?

We host a diverse and engaging variety of events including classes on subjects such as tarot and other forms of magick, lively social gatherings, thought-provoking discussions, and meaningful ceremonies. Most of our events are open to the public, and we kindly request a donation in the range of $10 to $20 to help cover our overhead costs. We warmly welcome children at our events, but they must be accompanied by their legal guardian at all times to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.