gnostic mass

ARARITA Community Update

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, 

Hello, fellow seekers of knowledge and mystery,

I'm Soror Aurora, and I'm thrilled to be stepping into the role of ARARITA’s new secretary. As we journey together through the realms of the mystical (and the mundane), I have some fascinating updates to share about our beloved local official O.T.O. Oasis, ARARITA.

Exciting Collaborations and Community Spirit

ARARITA Oasis is buzzing with energy as we forge exciting collaborations with local Southern California lodges. This July, we were honored to host a guest priestess, Sister Carly from Golden Lotus Lodge in Orange County, who graced us with her presence in San Diego for a memorable mass. Her visit was a testament to the power of community and shared purpose. In August, many of our members took a road trip to witness our brother, Brother Mauricio, be a guest Priest at Golden Lotus Lodge in Orange County, California. We look forward to more such enriching partnerships with our sister lodges Golden Lotus and Star Sapphire for more masses, initiations, and other events that celebrate our collective Thelemic spirit.

Leadership and Dedication

Under the wise guidance of Frater Logos, our esteemed body master, ARARITA continues to thrive. His unwavering dedication—whether stepping in at the last minute for rituals, helping to craft mass gear, or listening to our endless opinions—ensures that each of us can express our individual wills in a group setting. Thank you, Frater Logos, for your tireless commitment and the sacrifices you make to keep our community vibrant.

Milestones and Achievements

We are delighted to announce that Brother Mauricio, our diligent ordained Deacon, is soon to be ordained as a Priest at our sister lodge, Golden Lotus. Brother Mauricio’s steadfast commitment has been instrumental in reviving our public masses, since he is our only ordained member currently. Additionally, his skills as a carpenter have ensured we have a safe and stable altar. Congratulations, Brother Mauricio, on the well-deserved milestone of being ordained as a Priest! And Thank you for volunteering all your time and help with masses, altar building, and other important matters.

New Initiatives and Growth

Exciting changes are afoot as Frater Narthex Pyr takes on the role of treasurer. With his keen eye for opportunity, he is actively seeking a larger venue to accommodate our growing numbers. His involvement in the Mobile Mass Team (launching soon) and participation in our August Lunar Ritual exemplify the spirit of innovation and dedication that drives ARARITA forward. Thank you to Frater Narthex Pyr.

Celebrating Rituals and Ceremonies

Our August Lunar Ritual was a night to remember, held under the enchanting glow of a blue supermoon—a rare celestial event that added a touch of magic to our gathering. We want to give a heartfelt thanks to our gracious hosts and everyone who contributed to the ceremony's success. The performances were nothing short of extraordinary, creating a tapestry of mystical experiences.

Upcoming Events and Invitations

Mark your calendars for a Meet & Greet at Lestat’s in Hillcrest on September 15 at 6:00 P.M. Join us in the upstairs room for an evening of camaraderie and connection. We will also be holding a public Gnostic mass on September 27 at 7:30 P.M. These events are wonderful opportunities to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of our community.

Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate an initiation in early October at Star Sapphire Lodge in Los Angeles County. We invite all members of Minerval degree and above to join us in celebrating this new chapter.

Stay Connected

I invite you to reach out with any questions or comments. You can email me at or text me at (619) 356-1121. Let's continue to connect and build this vibrant community together!

Love is the Law, Love under Will.

Soror Aurora
ARARITA Secretary
San Diego, California